What is your full name?
What is your preferred email address?
What is your preferred phone number?
What is your residential zip code?
Please list your current or most recent job title.
Please indicate your current or most recent employer.
Please indicate the number of years you have lived or worked in the neighborhood near the NMHC.
To ensure representative committee membership, it is required that no less than 50% of the Advisory Committee membership be adult residents and or business owners of the neighborhood for at least two years with desired representation from the following:
Please check all that apply
I represent a local business and/or foundation
I am a civic and/or faith leader with expertise in the provision of homeless services
I represent a behavioral health and/or healthcare provider
I represent an organization with expertise in workforce development or employment
I represent a school district, school board, or education-related provider
I represent a veterans services provider
I represent a city or state partner working to end homelessness
I represent the criminal justice system
I represent domestic violence/survivor provider of services
I represent the homeless subpopulation
I represent an underserved population (LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Lived Experience)
I have knowledge of issues pertaining to the community and/or persons experiencing homelessness
I represent a community organization: hospitals, universities, neighborhood groups, business or other entities that are impacted by or interact with people experiencing homelessness
I represent an agency that provides funding for providers of homeless services: represents local government, state agency, federal agency, foundation or other entity that funds homeless services programs or a Public Housing Authority or affordable housing developer
Other (please specify)
Please share why you are interested in participating it the NMHC Community Advisory Committee. (Limit 1000 characters)
Given your interest/experience, what would you hope to be able to contribute as a member of the NMHC Community Advisory Committee? (Limit 1000 characters)
To provide continuity of discussion and ensure that the community is represented by a broad number of interests, members of the Community Advisory Committee are expected to attend every meeting. If a Committee member misses three (3) consecutive meetings, the Committee shall consider the seat vacated. Do you agree to the attendance policy and intend to participate fully by attending Committee meetings?